
+44 (0)1737 761242

Filled Modelling Wax, Soft

Product code: 1704

Unit Weight in kg: 1


This product is a soft modelling wax. It is easy to manipulate and model as it is easily softened by the heat of your hands. Once cooled down, modelling wax will return to its solid state.
Our modelling wax sticks to itself readily, allowing for additional material where needed.
You can use our modelling waxes as a valid alternative to modelling clay. Modelling wax doesn’t dry and therefore can be reused. Moreover, it can be mixed with other waxes to achieve the desired hardness.
Our modelling waxes are used by sculptors and artists across the UK and the world. We also supply schools of fine arts, colleges of design and universities.

This is a filled wax, meaning that an inert component is added to make it more workable. This also means that this modelling wax is unsuitable for direct casting.

Available colours include black, bronze, grey, pink, red, terracotta and white.



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