
+44 (0)1737 761242

NatureWax C-3

Product code: 4130

Unit Weight in kg: 22.68


Cargill’s most popular product, NatureWax C3 is a 100% soy-based flaked wax.

The soy is sourced and made in the USA, and grown from longstanding agricultural land. This provides transparent sustainability when compared to other soy wax sources like South America, which is often connected to unknown deforestation.

Soy wax doesn’t contain GM (genetically modified) material. When tested for GM material with qualitative PCR test, NatureWax C3 returns ND (not detected) results. This is because the oily part of soy used for making the wax are GMO free.

NatureWax C3 container candle wax is easy to use, offers a great quality/price ratio with good dye compatibility and scent throw. Superior adhesion and performance allow users to make beautiful candles.
NatureWax C-3 can also be used as a softener for pillar candles.

This proprietary blend of hydrogenated vegetable glycerides (yes, this is the technical name of natural wax) is a substitute for paraffin in wax applications. Its diverse applications include:

  • paper cup coatings,
  • stationery pencils,
  • colour pencils,
  • ink ribbons,
  • mold, metal, cord lubricant,
  • textile finishes,
  • adhesives,
  • thermoplastics resin additive,
  • leather dressing,
  • crayons.

Minimum order: 1 box – 22.68 kg


Fragrance load
6%, up to 10% with additives
Melting temperature
71.1 to 93.3°C
Pour temperature
71.1 to 76.7°C (higher or lower depending on room temperature, see documentation)

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